investing in cameroon


Africa - 4.2% growth recorded by Cameroon in the first quarter of 2019

(Invest in Cameroon) - Cameroon's national accounts for the first quarter, published by the National Institute of Statistics (NSI), show an increase in gross domestic product (GDP) of 4.2%. "This performance stems from the dynamism of activities in the three sectors (manufacturing, secondary and tertiary)". , reads the document. ...

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Port of Kribi: selection of 1,000 people to work in the appliance factory starts

DEVELOPMENT IN CENTRAL AFRICA: 1,000 jobs in sight in a project to build an electrical appliance production plant in the port of Kribi

At the entrance to Mboro, the port of Kribi in deep water in the southern region of Cameroon, earthworks are underway on an area of 20 hectares. At this site located a stone's throw from the Kribi-Lolable highway, the electrical and air conditioning equipment industrial company (Sicamec) will start construction work on a production and assembly plant in early 2020. refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners. This investment is officially estimated at FCFA 45 billion.

On 21 August 2019, the CEO of this Cameroonian company, Alkis Bruno Domyou Noubi (photo), Alkis Bruno Domyou Noubi signed with the general manager of the Autonomous Port of Kribi (PAK), Patrice Melom, the agreement for the establishment of the future Sicamec plant in the industrial zone of the deep-water port of Kribi. " This is the first time that we sign such an agreement with a completely Cameroonian company ', says Patrice Melom.

In addition to being the first company with Cameroonian capital to obtain a settlement agreement in the industrial zone of the port of Kribi, Sicamec is also the bearer of the project that, for the time being, will have the greatest impact in terms of job creation. Indeed, thanks to its plant with a production capacity of 15,000 units per month (5000 air conditioners, 5000 refrigerators and 5000 freezers), this company intends to create 1000 direct jobs.

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Cameroon: IFC will increase financial support to SMEs in the agriculture and agro-industry segment

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) will increase its financial support to Cameroon's SMEs and small and medium industries operating in the agricultural and agribusiness sectors. This was revealed by Sergio Pimenta, IFC vice-president for the Middle East and Africa, on 12 July 2019, at the end of a ...

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secretary-general-agriculture-cameroon-dott-Tanyi-Jacob-Tachot-management-promos-milan-2019-julyINVESTING IN CAMEROON - On 4 July 2019, the delegation from Cameroon accompanied by the President and Vice-President of AEDIC met Dr Ivana piana in the beautiful Promos location of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, Monza and Lodi together with the at Promos Italy.


capef chamber of agriculture of cameroonPresent at the meeting were the Secretary General Dr. Tanyi Jacob Tachot of Cameroon Chamber of Agriculture together with his assistant and wife, and a representative of the Business Woman from Cameroon is a leading entrepreneur from Cameroon and Tchad, as well as the President Louis Michel Nekam e AEDIC Vice President Roberto de Bortoli.

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7th edition of Promote in Cameroon

Ended the seventh edition of Promote in Cameroon , from 16 to 24 February 2019.

promote-camerun-2019-africa-centralThe seventh edition of Promote in Cameroon international trade fair held in the country's capital Yaounde.

If you would like to invest in Central Africa, Cameroon has great potential in the area of:

  • Agriculture
  • Breeding
  • Economy of scale in the agri-food sector
  • Public buildings

But what is Promote?

Promote proved and confirmed itself as an opportunity due to the fact that it is the most important multi-sectoral trade fair in Central Africa.

Promote is an excellent showcase for all Italian operatorswhere you can meet international professionals and business opportunities.

Promote is an excellent cultural and business moment to strengthen economic relationsIn this edition Aedic was present with its members followed step by step by our newly graduated journalists eager to accompany entrepreneurs through the various stages in cooperation with our local partner firms of professionals (accountants etc.).

Promote is an excellent cultural and business opportunity to strengthen economic relations between Italy and Cameroon and to highlight the many Italian and Cameroonian excellences in the various sectors and market segments.

Promote is Cameroon's leading exhibition event with over 1200 exhibitors from 30 countries. Thanks also to the country's vocation as a trade hub for all countries in the area CEMACIt is therefore an exceptional multi-sectoral showcase for those interested in promoting themselves in Cameroon and the Central African markets.

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Besix Group wins contract to build Nachtigal power plant (420 MW) in Cameroon

Investing in Cameroon Besix Groupthe Belgian construction company, announces that it has won the contract for the design and construction of the Nachtigal hydroelectric power plant in the Central region of Cameroon, with a generating capacity of 420 MW.

Belgian company Besix Group wins contract to build Nachtigal power plant (420 MW) in Cameroon

This infrastructure will increase the country's production capacity by 30%, according to the World Bankwhich is following the project through the International Finance Corporation (IFC)its subsidiary specialising in private sector financing.

Besix will carry out the work in cooperation with the French company ESN and the Moroccan VTS (General Labour Society Morocco).

The Nachtigal Hydro Power Company (NHPC), the capital of which will be divided between Cameroonian companies for 40% by EDF International, 30% by the State of Cameroon, and 30% by the International Finance Corporation, Nachtigal Hydro Power will cost about 656 billion CFA francs.

"The Nachtigal project, one of the very rare public-private partnerships (PPPs) that have emerged in the hydropower sector in sub-Saharan Africa, will accelerate the achievement of Cameroon's development goals, including poverty reduction."

Elisabeth Huybens, World Bank Director of Operations for Cameroon, said.

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Cameroon Mobile Money MTN increases revenues by 404%

Investing in Cameroon - Mobile operator MTN Cameroon Mobile Money in this first half of 2018 seems to be one of the best telecommunications companies in Cameroon. An analysis of the South African group MTN International's financial statements reveals that the number of active customers on its subsidiary Mobile Money service ...

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190 km of roads in Cameroon are being renewed

investing in cameroon cameroon renovates 190 km of roads following CEROQ contractsInvesting in Cameroon - The PIDMA agricultural investment and market development project aimed to increase the production of maize, sorghum and cassava for the agri-food industries of the Cameroon and for which the World Bank disbursed 50 billion CFA francs will soon be added to the programme for the renewal of 190 kilometres of the country's rural roads to connect agricultural production basins to markets.

According to information gathered on 6 August 2018, during an awareness-raising seminar organised in MbalmayoIn the central region, five regions will be considered under this programme. These are precisely the centre, the south, the coast, the west and the northwest.

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italiacamerun Aedic association

Cameroon - Yaounde
Italy - Gorizia

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