development in africa

Smart City and Digital: Projects like Konza Technopolis (Kenya) inspire replicable models in Egypt

Le smart city rappresentano il futuro dell’urbanizzazione sostenibile, combinando innovazione digitale, efficienza energetica e partecipazione comunitaria. Tra i progetti più emblematici spicca Konza Technopolis in Kenya, un hub tecnologico avviato nel 2019 che sta ridefinendo gli standard africani per le città intelligenti. Con investimenti superiori a 1,5 …

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cdp africa

Internationalisation strategies in Central Africa: taking advantage of CDP and SIMEST support

Central Africa represents a frontier of growth and opportunity for Italian SMEs wishing to expand their business internationally. With the new Strategic Plan 2025-2027, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) is strengthening its commitment to supporting the internationalisation of Italian companies, with a particular focus on the ...

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New developments in the political-economic situation in Ethiopia speaks Gianmarco Senna (LN)

 "New Developments in the Political-Economic Situation in Ethiopia: What Prospects for International Cooperation Interventions by the Lombardy Region and What Scenarios for Lombardy Enterprises". This was the title of the conference organised by the Council's Productive Activities and Budget Committees, a meeting in line with the Regional Programme for the ...

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Union of African Communities of Italy, Milan,

Otto Bitjoka (UCAI President): 'We do not fear the Chinese investing heavily in infrastructure in Africa'

Otto Bitjoka (President UCAI - Union of African Communities of Italy): 'The African continent has no competitive advantage in the value chain of globalisation over the Chinese presence in Africa. Speech and full video of his valuable interview on La7 - Coffe Break programme In 2018 we recall the birth of ...

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INVESTING IN AFRICA: We wish Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte well in his work for the development of Africa

CONTE GOVERNMENT: INVESTING IN AFRICA SOLVING MIGRATIONS Aedic is in full agreement with the thinking of Italian Prime Minister Dr. Giuseppe Conte, on the operations to be carried out to eliminate the causes of migration and bring the phenomenon of migration back to normal and create the conditions for socio-economic wellbeing in ...

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Port of Kribi: selection of 1,000 people to work in the appliance factory starts

DEVELOPMENT IN CENTRAL AFRICA: 1,000 jobs in sight in a project to build an electrical appliance production plant in the port of Kribi

At the entrance to Mboro, the port of Kribi in deep water in the southern region of Cameroon, earthworks are underway on an area of 20 hectares. At this site located a stone's throw from the Kribi-Lolable highway, the electrical and air conditioning equipment industrial company (Sicamec) will start construction work on a production and assembly plant in early 2020. refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners. This investment is officially estimated at FCFA 45 billion.

On 21 August 2019, the CEO of this Cameroonian company, Alkis Bruno Domyou Noubi (photo), Alkis Bruno Domyou Noubi signed with the general manager of the Autonomous Port of Kribi (PAK), Patrice Melom, the agreement for the establishment of the future Sicamec plant in the industrial zone of the deep-water port of Kribi. " This is the first time that we sign such an agreement with a completely Cameroonian company ', says Patrice Melom.

In addition to being the first company with Cameroonian capital to obtain a settlement agreement in the industrial zone of the port of Kribi, Sicamec is also the bearer of the project that, for the time being, will have the greatest impact in terms of job creation. Indeed, thanks to its plant with a production capacity of 15,000 units per month (5000 air conditioners, 5000 refrigerators and 5000 freezers), this company intends to create 1000 direct jobs.

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DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA: Over twenty African presidents in Japan at the opening of the 7th TICAD

TICAD-JapanINVESTING IN AFRICA: Over twenty African leaders are participating in the 7th Summit of the International Conference for African Development ( TICAD ) in Tokyo, which kicked off today (28 August) in Japan.

TICAD yes is held in Japan with the exception of TICADVI held in Africa. TICAD7 takes place in Yokohama, Japan.The event ended on Friday 30 August 2019.

African leaders in Japan include:

  • Faustin Archange Touadera, Central African Republic
  • Azali Assoumani, Comoros
  • Danny Faure, Seychelles
  • Alpha Conde, Guinea
  • Patrice Talon, Benin
  • Julius Maada Bio, Sierra Leone
  • Andry Rajoelina, Madagascar
  • Ismail Omar Guelleh, Djibouti
  • Joao Lourenco, Angola
  • Hage Geingob, Namibia
  • George Weah, Liberia
  • Felix Tshisekedi, Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Uhuru Kenyatta, Kenya
  • Yoweri Museveni, Uganda
  • Abdul Fatten Al-Sisi, Egypt and current chairman of the African Union
  • Paul Kagame, Rwanda
  • Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, Somalia
  • Emmerson Mnangagwa, Zimbabwe
  • Faure Gnassingbe, Togo
  • Mahamadou Issoufou, Niger
  • Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, Ghana
  • Muhammadu Buhari, Nigeria
  • Cyril Ramaphosa, South Africa
  • Ibrahim Boubakar Keita, Mali
  • Edgar Lungu, Zambia
  • Macky Sall, Senegal

Delegation leaders who are not presidents include:

  • Thomas Thabane, Prime Minister of Lesotho
  • Everton Herbert Chimulirenji, Vice-President of Malawi
  • Isatou Touray, Vice-President of The Gambia
  • Amadou Gon Coulibaly, Prime Minister of Côte d'Ivoire
  • Osman Saleh, Foreign Minister if Eritrea
  • Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of Ethiopia

On Tuesday 27 August, the ICTAD7 ministerial preparatory meeting was held in Yokohama, and Mr Taro Kono, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, attended the meeting as co-chair and rallied support for a successful summit.

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