

Boko Haram: Paul Biya supports members of the vigilance committee against terrorism in northern Cameroon

Fighting Boko Haram. This is the watchword.

It is Paul Biya the president of Cameroon who supports and sends donations to the SC members fighting Boko Haram in the north of the country.

The head of state of Cameroon, President Paul Biya, is working to support members of local vigilance and defence groups in Kousseri, in the Far-North region, all of whom work to repel incursions by the group Boko Haram jihadist

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INVESTING IN AFRICA: We wish Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte well in his work for the development of Africa

CONTE GOVERNMENT: INVESTING IN AFRICA SOLVING MIGRATIONS Aedic is in full agreement with the thinking of Italian Prime Minister Dr. Giuseppe Conte, on the operations to be carried out to eliminate the causes of migration and bring the phenomenon of migration back to normal and create the conditions for socio-economic wellbeing in ...

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Japan donates CFAF 1 billion to Cameroon to boost the rice sector

DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA: Japan donates CFAF 1 billion to Cameroon for paddy field development

Japan donates CFAF 1 billion to Cameroon to boost rice sector

Investing in Cameroon - The Minister of Economic Affairs, Planning and Spatial Planning (Minepat), Alamine Ousmane Mey and the Japanese Ambassador to Cameroon, Tsutomu Osawasigned a donation agreement, 20 August in Yaoundé.

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fight against boko haram terrorism

Fight against Boko Haram: a 25-year-old Cameroonian designs a solar drone

With this solar drone, it will be possible to monitor borders and fight insecurity.

It is a great revolution and innovation. It is also and above all a very important support in the fight against the terrorist sect Boko Haram, which has been disrupting the lives of Cameroonians living in the Far North region for many good years. Borel Teguia , a young engineer of renewable energies knows the situation in the far north very well. And he is strong that he wanted at his level to contribute to the fight against this terrorist sect.

"After going to high school in the far north of Cameroon and constantly seeing many families forced to leave their homes because of the war, I told myself that something had to be done. Because there is nothing more horrible than war and nothing more important than a human life. That is how I started working on this miniature device that could fly, take images that could be viewed in real time and better monitor the borders of Cameroon. I wanted, so to speak, to give the Cameroonian sky an eye that monitors its borders,' he tells the microphone of our colleague Sputnik.

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Port of Kribi: selection of 1,000 people to work in the appliance factory starts

DEVELOPMENT IN CENTRAL AFRICA: 1,000 jobs in sight in a project to build an electrical appliance production plant in the port of Kribi

At the entrance to Mboro, the port of Kribi in deep water in the southern region of Cameroon, earthworks are underway on an area of 20 hectares. At this site located a stone's throw from the Kribi-Lolable highway, the electrical and air conditioning equipment industrial company (Sicamec) will start construction work on a production and assembly plant in early 2020. refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners. This investment is officially estimated at FCFA 45 billion.

On 21 August 2019, the CEO of this Cameroonian company, Alkis Bruno Domyou Noubi (photo), Alkis Bruno Domyou Noubi signed with the general manager of the Autonomous Port of Kribi (PAK), Patrice Melom, the agreement for the establishment of the future Sicamec plant in the industrial zone of the deep-water port of Kribi. " This is the first time that we sign such an agreement with a completely Cameroonian company ', says Patrice Melom.

In addition to being the first company with Cameroonian capital to obtain a settlement agreement in the industrial zone of the port of Kribi, Sicamec is also the bearer of the project that, for the time being, will have the greatest impact in terms of job creation. Indeed, thanks to its plant with a production capacity of 15,000 units per month (5000 air conditioners, 5000 refrigerators and 5000 freezers), this company intends to create 1000 direct jobs.

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Cameroon-Programme-South Africa-Marocco-Algeria-Angola

Cameroon plans to undertake a space programme, as do South Africa, Morocco, Algeria, Angola

Development in Africa - Will there be a space programme in Cameroon? Apparently, the Central African country wants to equip itself with satellites flying the Cameroonian flag.

Dr Minette Libom Li Likeng, Minister of Posts for Telecommunications 

(Minpostel), signed a decision on 17 July on the organisation and operation of a working group to conduct the feasibility study for a space programme in Cameroon (Camspace).

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Seventh Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 7): Japan, South Africa and African Development Bank unveil priorities to accelerate technology transformation journey in Africa

Science, technology and innovation, as well as human resource development are crucial in Africa, a continent, who has the greatest potential on earth, said Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the Science and Technology in Society forum ( STS ) held in Yokohama on Wednesday as part of the TICAD 7.

visit of JAPAN Prime Minister Abe to Italian President Mattarella

The Science and Technology in Society forum STS ) is one of the largest and most influential non-profit organisations established in 2004 by Koji Omi, former Japanese Minister of Finance. The forum aims to strengthen cooperation between Japan and Africa in science, technology and innovation.

Present were the Mr Yasutoshi Nishimura, Deputy Assistant Cabinet Secretary, President of the Republic of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa, Akinwumi Adesina, President of the African Development Bank (, Koji Omi, founder and president of the forum STS and Asako Omi, member of the Japanese House of Representatives.

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Popes in Africa: Benedict XVI in Cameroon, Angola and Benin

Two of the twenty-four international apostolic journeys were to Africa

During the almost eight years of his pontificate, Benedict XVI made 24 international apostolic journeys, two of them to Africa.

The first time the successor of John Paul II visited the African continent was in 2009From 17 to 23 March, Benedict XVI travelled to Cameroon and Angola. On that occasion, the Pope wanted to link the trip to the Second Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops, which would be celebrated the following October in the Vatican.

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A.E.D.I.C. Consulting

Ivory Coast - Abidjan
Cameroon - Yaounde
Italy - Gorizia

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