
The President of the Commonwealth Business Council is expected in Douala

Accompanied by the Commonwealth-approved business network, Lord Jonathan Peter Marland will meet the business community in Douala on 12 October 2022. After several successive hearings with the Prime Minister and some members of government (Minepat, Mincommerce, Minpmeesa, Minfi, Minsanté, Minesec, Mintransport etc.), Lord Jonathan Peter Marland, ...

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The 7 Pillars of International Export

Digital export

Implementing a digital internationalisation project is a complex process that cannot be underestimated and requires adequate planning of activities.
First of all, it must be considered that, since it is an investment, time, resources, willingness to change and preparation are required with respect to a number of fundamental variables. Among these, the first is certainly the selection of one or more target markets.

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Actors supporting innovation throughout the enterprise life cycle

Which actors support an innovation phase for your company? First of all, we need to define an innovation ecosystem even more precisely, referring to the main actors that make it up. The innovation ecosystem is a system of policies e regulations enablers, accessibility to financial capitalhuman capital informed, supportive markets, infrastructure, one culture innovation and entrepreneurship and resources of networkwhich all together support productive relationships between different actors and other parts of the ecosystem.

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Italy will be represented at the Yaoundé Business and Partnership Fair (Promote)

The confirmation was given during a press conference that the Italian Embassy in Cameroon held at its headquarters in Yaoundé, in the Golf District. It was presided over by the local teacher, FILIPPO SCAMMACO DEL MURGO. The transalpine diplomat confirmed the actual presence of some 40 Italian companies at Promote 2022. He pointed out that the Italian participation in this economic meeting was an indicator of the interest his country accorded to the Cameroonian economy.

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A.E.D.I.C. Consulting

Ivory Coast - Abidjan
Cameroon - Yaounde
Italy - Gorizia

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