
AEDIC visits ICM and a tomato farm in Chivasso

ICM institute for Italian-Maghreb tradeAGRICULTURE DEVELOPMENT IN CAMEROON -On Monday 01/07/2019, the President of AEDIC together with the delegation comprising the Secretary General of the Cameroon Chamber of Agriculture is entrepreneurs travelled by train to Chivasso to meet the vice president Dr Souroush by ICIM - The Italian Maghreb Trade and Investment Institute.

The ICM Institute was established as a free non-profit association, whose ambition is to be a direct link between the Italian and Maghreb realities.

ICM works with leading Italian and Maghreb institutions to develop friendly relations between the two countries.

Once the Cameroon delegates arrived, they attended a presentation of the Smart Farm project and other projects for the development of the African continent.

at-growing-greenhouse- tomatoes-chivasso-camerun-delegationAt the end of the meeting, they went to visit a beautiful tomato farm, which you can see in the photo, to replicate and clone the Italian experience in the world of agriculture of the CEMAC which includes several Central African states.

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Press Release Meeting at Promos and AICE

capef chamber of agriculture of cameroon

The Secretary General of the Chamber of Agriculture of Cameroon, Dr. Tanyi Jacob Tachot, together with the President of the AEDIC Louis Michel Nekam and entrepreneurs from Cameroon, will visit tomorrow 04 July 2019 the Promos of the Chamber and

Meetings will be held:

1-Tomorrow morning, 04 July, at 10.30 a.m. at the Promositalia Milan Chamber of Commerce and Industry headquarters in Via Meravigli 7 between the Secretary General of the Cameroon Chamber of Agriculture and the Presidency of the Milan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, contact person Dr Ivana Piana.

2- Afternoon of 04 July at 3.00 p.m. at the headquarters of A.I.C.E. - Associazione Italiana Commercio Estero in Corso Venezia n.47 between the Secretary General of the Cameroon Chamber of Agriculture and the AICE President and the Dr. Pierantonio Cantoni resp. foreign development.

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The Ministry of Trade in Cameroon supports the AEDIC association

The Cameroonian Ministry of Commerce has decided to support the AEDIC association with all government institutions interested in the progress and development of economic and cultural relations between Cameroon and Italy. On 28 May 2019, the Cameroonian Ministry of Trade after a close meeting with the ...

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7th edition of Promote in Cameroon

Ended the seventh edition of Promote in Cameroon , from 16 to 24 February 2019.

promote-camerun-2019-africa-centralThe seventh edition of Promote in Cameroon international trade fair held in the country's capital Yaounde.

If you would like to invest in Central Africa, Cameroon has great potential in the area of:

  • Agriculture
  • Breeding
  • Economy of scale in the agri-food sector
  • Public buildings

But what is Promote?

Promote proved and confirmed itself as an opportunity due to the fact that it is the most important multi-sectoral trade fair in Central Africa.

Promote is an excellent showcase for all Italian operatorswhere you can meet international professionals and business opportunities.

Promote is an excellent cultural and business moment to strengthen economic relationsIn this edition Aedic was present with its members followed step by step by our newly graduated journalists eager to accompany entrepreneurs through the various stages in cooperation with our local partner firms of professionals (accountants etc.).

Promote is an excellent cultural and business opportunity to strengthen economic relations between Italy and Cameroon and to highlight the many Italian and Cameroonian excellences in the various sectors and market segments.

Promote is Cameroon's leading exhibition event with over 1200 exhibitors from 30 countries. Thanks also to the country's vocation as a trade hub for all countries in the area CEMACIt is therefore an exceptional multi-sectoral showcase for those interested in promoting themselves in Cameroon and the Central African markets.

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STATUT DE L'ASSOCIATION D' ÉCHANGES ET DE DÉVELOPPEMENT INTERCULTUREL ENTRE L'ITALIE ET LE CAMEROUN (AEDIC) Préambule Il est crééé à Yaoundé au Cameroun une association dénommée Association d' Échanges et de Développement Interculturel entre l'ltalie et le Cameroun, en abrégé AEDIC. Elle a pour devise : Solidarité-Fraternité-Développement. Elle est apolitique, ...

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A.E.D.I.C. Consulting

Ivory Coast - Abidjan
Cameroon - Yaounde
Italy - Gorizia

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