
Cameroon will present a project to the World Bank to bring electricity to 687 localities

Investing in Cameroon - By December 2018, the government of Cameroon aims to present to the World Bank Board of Directors, for funding, a project to electrify 687 localities in the country, through the construction and rehabilitation of lines. According to information revealed on this ...

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Cameroon The Nachtigal dam will save $ 100 million a year in electricity

Investing in Cameroon - The World Bank has high hopes for the ongoing construction project of the Nachtigal Dam (420 MW) in Cameroon.

besix wins contract to build hydroelectric power plant in cameroon investIn a note published on 19 July, the financial institution, the financier of the hydroelectric project, explains:

"When operational, the Nachtigal dam will save the country $ 100 million per year in production costs.

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Cameroon Mobile Money MTN increases revenues by 404%

Investing in Cameroon - Mobile operator MTN Cameroon Mobile Money in this first half of 2018 seems to be one of the best telecommunications companies in Cameroon. An analysis of the South African group MTN International's financial statements reveals that the number of active customers on its subsidiary Mobile Money service ...

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CAMEROON - Jesuit Fathers develop training projects

Douala - The Jesuit Fathers promote both micro-entrepreneurship projects and also save banana trees from extinction. This is the project launched in Douala capital jesuit reproduction bananaeconomic by the Cameroon Jesuits. An initiative that has a double value, educational and naturalistic, in a context not as simple as that of the African country.

Fides Agency is carrying out these interesting projects in Cameroon where more than three million boys and girls have not reached the minimum level of schooling. 70% of girls are illiterate.

This phenomenon is particularly visible in the northern regions, where more than one million girls between the ages of 10 and 19 cannot read or write (31.9% of girls in the region).

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Investing in Cameroon works for 1,100 social housing houses in Garoua and Maroua

Investing in Cameroon: Gabriel Bengono, Executive Director of the Société Immobilière du Cameroun , visited sites planned to house social housing in Maroua and Garoua, northern Cameroon. According to the Director, the Maroua site is 5.5 hectares in Zokok Laddeo. It is supposed to house ...

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190 km of roads in Cameroon are being renewed

investing in cameroon cameroon renovates 190 km of roads following CEROQ contractsInvesting in Cameroon - The PIDMA agricultural investment and market development project aimed to increase the production of maize, sorghum and cassava for the agri-food industries of the Cameroon and for which the World Bank disbursed 50 billion CFA francs will soon be added to the programme for the renewal of 190 kilometres of the country's rural roads to connect agricultural production basins to markets.

According to information gathered on 6 August 2018, during an awareness-raising seminar organised in MbalmayoIn the central region, five regions will be considered under this programme. These are precisely the centre, the south, the coast, the west and the northwest.

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Cameroon Fra' Giacomo Dalla Torre of the Temple of Sanguinetto Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta visits President Paul Biya

17 July 2018 His Eminence, Fra' Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto, Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, paid an official visit to Cameroon at the invitation of the Head of State, President Paul BIYA at the Palace of Unity. President Paul Biya receives Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta

The Head of State and the Grand Master Fra 'Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto reviewed 57 years of bilateral cooperation and agreed to raise cooperation to a higher level to bring humanitarian aid.

Fra' Giacomo Dalla Torre visited the new Apostolic Nuncio, Monsignor Mario Murat. Early in the morning, Brother Giacomo Dalla Torre visited the new Apostolic Nuncio, Monsignor Mario Murat. 

The Order of Malta runs a modern hospital in Cameroon, the St John of Malta Hospital in Njombéin the coastal region, which was visited by the Grand Master.

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italiacamerun Aedic association

Cameroon - Yaounde
Italy - Gorizia

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