Doing Business In Africa

agenda 2063 africa

African Union Agenda 2063: The Roadmap for Transforming Africa into a Global Power

African Union Agenda 2063: The Challenge for a Prosperous and United Continent Agenda 2063 is the most ambitious strategic plan ever adopted by the African Union (AU) to guide the continent's socio-economic development over the next 50 years. Adopted in 2015, this vision aims to transform Africa into a ...

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The 7 Pillars of International Export

Digital export

Implementing a digital internationalisation project is a complex process that cannot be underestimated and requires adequate planning of activities.
First of all, it must be considered that, since it is an investment, time, resources, willingness to change and preparation are required with respect to a number of fundamental variables. Among these, the first is certainly the selection of one or more target markets.

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Africa - 4.2% growth recorded by Cameroon in the first quarter of 2019

(Invest in Cameroon) - Cameroon's national accounts for the first quarter, published by the National Institute of Statistics (NSI), show an increase in gross domestic product (GDP) of 4.2%. "This performance stems from the dynamism of activities in the three sectors (manufacturing, secondary and tertiary)". , reads the document. ...

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Cameroon: Sonara refinery still far from compensation?

Sonara and Swiss reinsurer Swiss-RE discuss compensation for fire-damaged refinery

On 31 May last year, the Sonara refinery in Cameroon was devastated by a fire, and to date there is still no solution to compensation from insurance companies.

Sonara's CEO [Jean Paul Njonou] and one of his staff in the working session on Wednesday 24 July 2019 with Swiss-RE's claims department and Sonara experts as part of Sonara's compensation following the 31 May 2019 accident'reveals a credible source.

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We know for a fact that the file is in mao at the Swiss Reinsurance Company, an insurance and reinsurance company founded in Zurich (Switzerland) in 1863, which is in charge of the accident.

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Press Release Meeting at Promos and AICE

capef chamber of agriculture of cameroon

The Secretary General of the Chamber of Agriculture of Cameroon, Dr. Tanyi Jacob Tachot, together with the President of the AEDIC Louis Michel Nekam and entrepreneurs from Cameroon, will visit tomorrow 04 July 2019 the Promos of the Chamber and

Meetings will be held:

1-Tomorrow morning, 04 July, at 10.30 a.m. at the Promositalia Milan Chamber of Commerce and Industry headquarters in Via Meravigli 7 between the Secretary General of the Cameroon Chamber of Agriculture and the Presidency of the Milan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, contact person Dr Ivana Piana.

2- Afternoon of 04 July at 3.00 p.m. at the headquarters of A.I.C.E. - Associazione Italiana Commercio Estero in Corso Venezia n.47 between the Secretary General of the Cameroon Chamber of Agriculture and the AICE President and the Dr. Pierantonio Cantoni resp. foreign development.

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7th edition of Promote in Cameroon

Ended the seventh edition of Promote in Cameroon , from 16 to 24 February 2019.

promote-camerun-2019-africa-centralThe seventh edition of Promote in Cameroon international trade fair held in the country's capital Yaounde.

If you would like to invest in Central Africa, Cameroon has great potential in the area of:

  • Agriculture
  • Breeding
  • Economy of scale in the agri-food sector
  • Public buildings

But what is Promote?

Promote proved and confirmed itself as an opportunity due to the fact that it is the most important multi-sectoral trade fair in Central Africa.

Promote is an excellent showcase for all Italian operatorswhere you can meet international professionals and business opportunities.

Promote is an excellent cultural and business moment to strengthen economic relationsIn this edition Aedic was present with its members followed step by step by our newly graduated journalists eager to accompany entrepreneurs through the various stages in cooperation with our local partner firms of professionals (accountants etc.).

Promote is an excellent cultural and business opportunity to strengthen economic relations between Italy and Cameroon and to highlight the many Italian and Cameroonian excellences in the various sectors and market segments.

Promote is Cameroon's leading exhibition event with over 1200 exhibitors from 30 countries. Thanks also to the country's vocation as a trade hub for all countries in the area CEMACIt is therefore an exceptional multi-sectoral showcase for those interested in promoting themselves in Cameroon and the Central African markets.

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Investing in Africa - Cameroon grants 5 to 10 years of tax and customs exemptions

tax exemption in cameroonInvesting in Africa Cameroon - Tax cuts for those investing in the country the investment promotion centre in Cameroon (Investment Promotion Agency of Cameroon - API) signed agreements with a number of economic operators implementing projects in the hospitality, agri-food and agro-forestry sectors.

These agreements will enable these operators, willing to invest CFA 74 billion in the countryto take advantage of the provisions of the 2013 law on incentives for private investment in Cameroon.

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A.E.D.I.C. Consulting

Ivory Coast - Abidjan
Cameroon - Yaounde
Italy - Gorizia

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