

Africa - 4.2% growth recorded by Cameroon in the first quarter of 2019

(Invest in Cameroon) - Cameroon's national accounts for the first quarter, published by the National Institute of Statistics (NSI), show an increase in gross domestic product (GDP) of 4.2%. "This performance stems from the dynamism of activities in the three sectors (manufacturing, secondary and tertiary)". , reads the document. ...

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New developments in the political-economic situation in Ethiopia speaks Gianmarco Senna (LN)

 "New Developments in the Political-Economic Situation in Ethiopia: What Prospects for International Cooperation Interventions by the Lombardy Region and What Scenarios for Lombardy Enterprises". This was the title of the conference organised by the Council's Productive Activities and Budget Committees, a meeting in line with the Regional Programme for the ...

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Lombardy Region councillor Gianmarco Senna on economic development visit to Africa

Lombardy Region councillor Gianmarco Senna visiting Senegal. In the video, the councillor is interviewed while at the airport in Senegal, stressing the very important fact that very good young people go abroad and emigrate, leaving their country and impoverishing it. It is therefore important to get involved and cooperate ...

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Union of African Communities of Italy, Milan,

Otto Bitjoka (UCAI President): 'We do not fear the Chinese investing heavily in infrastructure in Africa'

Otto Bitjoka (President UCAI - Union of African Communities of Italy): 'The African continent has no competitive advantage in the value chain of globalisation over the Chinese presence in Africa. Speech and full video of his valuable interview on La7 - Coffe Break programme In 2018 we recall the birth of ...

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Speech by Senator Francesco Giacobbe (PD) Italians Abroad - Conte 2 government inauguration

We quote the valuable intervention of Senator Francesco Giacobbe during the inauguration of the second Conte government, here is his speech in the Senate Chamber during the debate on the confidence in the government.

Senator Francesco Giacobbe:

Mr President of the Council,
Allow me to congratulate you on your new government. You have a very good team of ministers and I am sure that the hard work ahead of you, indeed ahead of us, in the coming months will help to change Italy.

In this speech, I intend to elaborate on some of the issues you mentioned in your policy statements regarding Italian communities around the world.

These are the many young people who leave and have left Italy in the past to settle in a foreign country. I was one of these.

Today, it is almost unimaginable to think of the past without modern technologies that allow us to connect with our nearest and dearest in real time, communicated by letter and the information when it arrived was already old.

Despite these difficulties, distance has not made one forget, indeed has increased the love for loved ones, for one's homeland. This great love has contributed and continues to contribute to the development of Italy and silently and unconditionally continues binding millions of Italians around the world to Italy.
Remittances from young emigrants, for example, provided Italy with valuable foreign currency when it was much needed to finance economic development.

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pope francesco's visit to africa

His Holiness Pope Francis in AFRICA video of the return conference...

Video conference on the return of His Holiness Pope Francis' trip to Africa.

The Church of Pope Francis starts again in Africa.

In the episode of Sunday 15 September, 9.15 am, Rai Due, Sulla Via di Damasco recounts the journey of Pope Francis to Mozambique, Madagascar and Mauritius, retracing the stages and gestures of a pastoral visit marked by hope, peace and reconciliation. In the company of Eva Crosetta, an expert on "Africa" - as she prefers to call them, in the plural - Comboni missionary and journalist, Fr. Giulio Albanese.

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Berlusconi: 'We need a Marshall Plan for Africa or there will be an invasion' Back in 2017 Cavalier Berlusconi had already had his say on how to solve the problem of immigration from African peoples to Europe by hypothesising a gigantic development plan for the African continent. Cavalier ...

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beac central bank of cameroon - Copy

DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN AFRICA: BEAC changes rules for money transfers between residents and foreigners

In a circular letter dated 14 August, Abbas Mahamat Tolli , the governor of the Bank of Central African States Beac, clarifies transfers outside Cemac :

  • Cameroon
  • Central African Republic
  • Congo
  • Gabon
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Chad

on profits generated by non-residents and foreign residents.

All labour income paid in FCFA may be transferred outside CEMAC, provided that the non-resident or resident alien provides evidence that a portion of his or her local expenses (rent, hotel expenses, and other items of subsistence) have been met. Otherwise, the amount of the employment income to be transferred may not exceed 75% of this income " , 

states the document signed by the governor. However, it states, the transfer of labour income in foreign currency to foreign non-residents is free of charge.

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A.E.D.I.C. Consulting

Ivory Coast - Abidjan
Cameroon - Yaounde
Italy - Gorizia

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