Based on the observation of hundreds of SME cases, a number of characteristics were found that make smaller companies particularly strong and resilient. These lines of action (ten in all) are recurrently found in companies that are able to overcome market difficulties well.
SMEs The original Italian development model
The small size of Italian companies is often presented as the main limitation to their international development.
This assertion needs to be thoroughly investigated and, if not completely refuted, at least downgraded.
Italy is characterised by an original model of economic development.
9 January 2022 - The African Cup of Nations kicks off: It will be played in Cameroon
Do you remember the stadium in Yaoundè. Yes that stadium not others, the one named after Paul Biya the president of Cameroon.
Lo stadium Paul Biya is a sports facility of Yaoundé, in Cameroonin record time was built and delivered by the Italian company Maeg constructions and hosted the first game of the African Cup of Nations.
Dr. Filippo Scammacca Del Murgo e Dell Agnone is the new Italian Ambassador to Central Africa
Dr. Filippo Scammacca Del Murgo and Dell Agnone is the new Italian Ambassador to Yaoundé, Cameroon, (Central Africa with a mandate also for Chad and the Central African Republic, is Minister Plenipotentiary Filippo Scammacca del Murgo. The Italian diplomat succeeds his colleague Marco Romiti, in office since 2017.
Greenfield: The Advantages - Investing in Africa
But what are the advantages of a Greenfield investment?
Certainly among the advantages of greenfield investments we can safely say that they give investors more control than investing in an existing local business, as well as the opportunity to form marketing partnerships and avoid intermediation costs.
Business in Africa - What is a joint venture (JV)?
A joint venture (JV) is a commercial agreement in which two or more parties agree to pool their resources in order to perform a specific task. This activity may be a new project or any other business activity.
In a joint venture (JV), each of the participants is responsible for the profits, losses and costs associated with it. However, the enterprise is an entity in its own right, separate from the other business interests of the participants.
Greenfield vs. Brownfield Investing in Africa: what are the differences?
In this article we will provide an analysis of the two modes of investment in Africa. Greenfield vs. Brownfield
So Greenfield vs. Brownfield which of the two modes is more convenient for the your company's investments in Africa?
The industrial zone of Kribi and other areas of economic interest in Central Africa normally see theestablishment of companies who wish to expand their interests internationally generally make direct investments in another country.
Comment fonctionne le marché unique africain ?
L'accord qui a été signé et qui est entré en vigueur le 1er janvier 2021 et qui commence en fait AfCFTA, ou African Continental Free Trade Agreement, en abrégé AfCFTA est un traité international qui réglemente l'ouverture des frontières et la création d'une zone de libre-échange entre les pays membres africains.
En juillet 2019, il y avait 54 signataires. Le seul État africain qui n'a ni signé ni ratifié l'accord est l'Érythrée.
How does the African single market work?
The agreement signed and entered into force on 1 January 2021 and that in fact starts AfCFTA or The African Continental Free Trade Treaty, (in English African Continental Free Trade Agreement, abbreviated AfCFTA is an international treaty regulating the opening of borders and the creation of a free trade area between African member countries.
Why invest in Africa in 2021?
Because the world's largest single market for investment has opened up!!!
On 1 January 2021, the world's largest single market opened, and the African customs union was formalised, so investing in this new market that quietly opened in 2020 as the African single market means not only making investments for an immediate economic return, but also occupying a dominant strategic position in a market that has yet to be developed.