big data

Cameroon's telecommunications minister invites African companies to own Big Data

(Invest in Cameroon) - True "spearhead of the digital revolution". , according to Minette Libom Li Likeng, " data is now considered essential infrastructure for emerging economic activities ". Cameroon's Minister of Posts and Telecommunications was speaking on 3 December 2019 in Yaoundé, the country's capital, ...

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AEDIC visits ICM and a tomato farm in Chivasso

ICM institute for Italian-Maghreb tradeAGRICULTURE DEVELOPMENT IN CAMEROON -On Monday 01/07/2019, the President of AEDIC together with the delegation comprising the Secretary General of the Cameroon Chamber of Agriculture is entrepreneurs travelled by train to Chivasso to meet the vice president Dr Souroush by ICIM - The Italian Maghreb Trade and Investment Institute.

The ICM Institute was established as a free non-profit association, whose ambition is to be a direct link between the Italian and Maghreb realities.

ICM works with leading Italian and Maghreb institutions to develop friendly relations between the two countries.

Once the Cameroon delegates arrived, they attended a presentation of the Smart Farm project and other projects for the development of the African continent.

at-growing-greenhouse- tomatoes-chivasso-camerun-delegationAt the end of the meeting, they went to visit a beautiful tomato farm, which you can see in the photo, to replicate and clone the Italian experience in the world of agriculture of the CEMAC which includes several Central African states.

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A.E.D.I.C. Consulting

Ivory Coast - Abidjan
Cameroon - Yaounde
Italy - Gorizia

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