Vice President A.E.D.I.C.

In recent years, AEDIC based in Yaoundé, the capital of Cameroon has grown proportionally over time thanks to the commitment of its members and activists to become a point of access to the Central African market today.
In addition to this, our facility has become a hub of interests and privileged relations thanks to contacts with institutions and companies in Cameroon and other neighbouring countries.
We offer our Associates assistance through a range of different activities, which in summary include:
- Services for business and meeting business needs,
legal, tax, marketing. - Network of contacts and relationships useful for business development in Cameroon and Italy;
- Government Relations & Advocacy;
- Periodic information activities and monthly newsletters concerning legislation, information
on member companies, events, financing, statistics and other topics of interest to the
companies and investors
AEDIC and composed of a team of Europeans and Cameroonians who, in solidarity, brotherhood and development, aim to foster economic and cultural exchange between Italy and Cameroon, for the development and economic growth of Central Africa.
A.E.D.I.C. is supported by theItaly-West Africa Inter-Parliamentary Union of the Senate of the Italian Republic.

The President of the AEDIC Association, Louis Michel Nekam centre in the photo with the former Italian Ambassador to Cameroon Samuela Isopi on the left and on the right Ambassador Roger Milla former Cameroon national team bomber now ambassador for Africa in the World.
Louis Michel NekamIn the past, he was a collaborator at the Italian Embassy in Cameroon and his training also led him to Italy.
How we operate
In order to achieve our objectives, we work with our Associates and with Italian and local business entities, as well as with all public and private subjects that act in an organised manner to support the internationalisation of enterprises, in particular Regions, Chambers of Commerce, Trade Associations, Trade Fairs, Consortia, Enterprise Networks, Industrial Districts, Banks, Economic and Territorial Development Ministries, International Organisations.
Reliability and quality of our services is to date recognised as a partner by more than 10 institutions and trade associations in both Italy and Cameroon with which we have collaborated, including Confindustria, CNA, numerous Chambers of Commerce and Special Companies, trade fairs and expos, and numerous other institutions and trade associations to name but a few.
With regard to Cameroon, we can mention direct collaborations with the PAK, Kribi Municipality, Cameroon Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, direct collaborations with the Cameroon Chamber of Commerce, municipalities and metropolitan cities in Cameroon, and other collaborations.
Collaborations and related activities find vivid evidence in our official relations with the Italian Embassy in Yaoundé, as well as in the numerous media materials published on our website and social media.
Assisting members through free and fee-paying services, ranging from initial orientation information on the individual market to specific support for positioning and consolidation strategies of Italian companies in the foreign market, as well as local companies that want to
collaborate with Italian SMEs.
Organise events and match-making activities to give companies the opportunity to meet foreign counterparts to whom they can submit proposals for productive, technological, commercial collaboration.
Promote and valorise the excellence of the Italian territory, disseminating its peculiarities and know-how also through the realisation of missions of groups of enterprises, production districts, abroad, or incoming missions of foreign enterprises and operators directly on
territories in which Italian companies operate.
Providing skills on how to operate in the country, through targeted training for individual companies and/or professionals; or through training internships also in cooperation with leading Italian and foreign universities.
In order to ensure quality services, we regularly ensure:
- Expertise
- Clarity
- Courtesy
- Confidentiality
- Impartiality
The provision of our services is based on: - Satisfaction of requests
- Timeliness
- Transparency of procedures
Who is the A.E.D.I.C. Association composed of
We are a group of professionals from different fields. The association's offices are located in Yaoundè, the capital of Cameroon.

The AEDIC Association is part of a dynamic group of people and companies with a strong presence in several leading sectors of the economy in the Republic of Cameroon operating from:
- haulage
- logistics
- distribution
- trade
- export-import
- market consultancy
- real estate investments
- industrial and commercial project development
- Online marketing
- University collaborations
- Financial Engineering
If you are looking for a reality and contacts that can give you the opportunity to get your business off the ground in Cameroon and Central Africa.
If you want to produce in a country and earn money through low labour costs and a favourable tax regime, then we are the partner you are looking for.
The AEDIC association aims to provide its services of a high quality standard inspired by excellence.
Excellence in the services offered, Excellence in the teaching and training methodology, Excellence in the choice of technological and instrumental supports.
AEDIC's Services Catalogue can be found on the SERVICES page encourages the establishment of relations between AEDIC and its members (individuals, companies, PA) on the basis of transparent and clear criteria.
The Catalogue you can request describes the activities supporting the internationalisation of Italian enterprises and territories and defines their management and delivery principles. Although not exhaustive, the Catalogue provides businesses and public administrations with an overview of the services offered and their average costs.
The costs expressed in the Catalogue are to be considered as average reference values and cannot replace a specific quotation that will be provided when requesting the service.
The human resources that make up the AEDIC team are irreplaceable assets in achieving the set objectives.
Established professionals and young people with high potential make the AEDIC association achieve success and the most ambitious goals on a daily basis
Our primary commitment to which we devote almost maniacal attention is to pursue user customer satisfaction.
Several of us, have studied in Italy and visited Cameroon and it is a widespread idea that Africa is the new promised land for cultural and economic development that can give work and integration to many young people, who leave for the North and the European continent without knowing, that in Cameroon and other countries of the African continent there are developed realities that can give them work, integration and a sustainable future in a continent that is very rich, both in raw materials and great culture.
Today, the African continent is experiencing strong economic development and will hold great surprises in store for the world in the coming years.
If you would like to learn more about investment and commercial or cultural exchange opportunities with the Republic of Cameroon, or if you simply want to get to know us better and participate and collaborate in our initiatives, visit the read more statutes of the association and if you wish, you too can make a difference, to create a better world.
Managing change and your expansion in Africa calmly and professionally
Thanks to important bilateral recognitions and collaborations with institutions, port agencies etc, for your economic breakthrough in Africa, AEDIC offers the opportunity to enter a safe harbour, with tax benefits and tax relief for 10 years, concessions and low cost of highly educated skilled labour in central location in AFRICA.
When you have decided to act, we provide you with all the essential risk management tools throughout the investment lifecycle.

Aedic with its consultants gives you the opportunity to enter Central Africa and take position
if you would like to get in touch with us to develop your Business in Africa fill in the form see below, one of our consultants will contact you within 24 hours