

Kribi Tax Free Project

The city of Kribi in Central Africa is home to Central Africa's largest deep-water port to the south, where an industrial city is being built and where the government's 2035 agenda envisages housing not only power plants and refineries, but also local product processing industries to meet the demand of Africa's single market. This is an excellent opportunity for those who have an eye for business and wish to start an economy of scale enterprise, accompanied by the appropriate institutions and technological support.

The port of Kribi is also a tax-free zone and a protected zone and already sees the establishment of many companies of different nationalities doing business in Africa.

Project Expansion

In times of global crisis, the watchword is: EXPANSION.

In Cameroon all this is possible. Processing and marketing local products to serve the demand of the whole of Africa is not only possible but also desirable. Africa has 54 capital cities hungry for processed and packaged products. In every African capital there are supermarkets and large shopping malls eager to receive ready-made products that they now import from other continents. With the increase in population in the coming years, demand will increase dramatically, giving the opportunity to greatly increase profits to those who today are the first to produce in Africa's single customs market.


conquest of africa


Investment in Africa: The New Resource Race between China, the United States and Other Global Powers In recent years, Africa has become a major...

Our Mission, to accompany the expansion and internationalisation of companies in the African Single Market

In different parts of the world, many companies after the Lockdown and the Covid 19 pandemic have made huge fortunes, while others find themselves in a market that is increasingly in competition with other companies in the same segment.
It is important to know that crises have always been there. Before the Covid pandemic for example there was the subprime crisis.
Companies that do not adapt to the new market and/or gain a large share of it or do not expand and open up new markets normally tend to enter a crisis.
An interesting case study of success is Ferrero Italiana, which instead opened up new markets and expanded its business in Africa, becoming the giant we know.

Cameroon has very good relations with Italy

If you are looking for a reality and institutional relations that can give you the opportunity to get your business off the ground in Cameroon and Central Africa.

If you want to produce in a country and earn money through low labour costs and a favourable tax regime, then we are the partner you are looking for.

The AEDIC association aims to provide its users with services of a high quality standard inspired by excellence.
Excellence in the services offered, excellence in the contractual methodology and innovation, excellence in the choice of technological and instrumental supports.

Managing change and your expansion in Africa calmly and professionally

Thanks to important bilateral recognitions and collaborations with institutions, port agencies, etc., for your economic breakthrough in Africa, AEDIC offers you the opportunity to enter a safe harbour, with tax benefits and tax deductions for 10 years, concessions and low cost of highly educated specialised labour in a central location in AFRICA.

When you have decided to act, we provide you with all the essential risk management tools throughout the investment lifecycle.


Aedic with its consultants gives you the opportunity to enter Central Africa and take a position where the industrial city of Kribi is being built.

Watch this video to better understand what we are talking about.

What do you want to do now?

if you wish to get in touch with us to develop your business opportunity in Africa, please fill in the form below and one of our consultants will contact you within 24 hours

    A.E.D.I.C. Consulting

    Ivory Coast - Abidjan
    Cameroon - Yaounde
    Italy - Gorizia

    en_GBEnglish (UK)