Press Release Meeting at Promos and AICE

capef chamber of agriculture of cameroon

The Secretary General of the Chamber of Agriculture of Cameroon, Dr. Tanyi Jacob Tachot, together with the President of the AEDIC Louis Michel Nekam and entrepreneurs from Cameroon, will visit tomorrow 04 July 2019 the Promos of the Chamber and

Meetings will be held:

1-Tomorrow morning, 04 July, at 10.30 a.m. at the Promositalia Milan Chamber of Commerce and Industry headquarters in Via Meravigli 7 between the Secretary General of the Cameroon Chamber of Agriculture and the Presidency of the Milan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, contact person Dr Ivana Piana.

2- Afternoon of 04 July at 3.00 p.m. at the headquarters of A.I.C.E. - Associazione Italiana Commercio Estero in Corso Venezia n.47 between the Secretary General of the Cameroon Chamber of Agriculture and the AICE President and the Dr. Pierantonio Cantoni resp. foreign development.

dott-Tanyi-Jacob- Tachot-dott-pierantonio-cantoni


In these cognitive meetings, the path of international cooperation between Cameroonian and Italian institutions for an exchange of information, both economic and for development in the near future, is beginning. In November of this year, the plan is for a first forum between Cameroonian and Italian companies interested in JVA and development in Central Africa.

Let us remember that the majority of economic operators and the World Bank (which is making large investments in the country) say that the African continent will see strong growth and development in all sectors of its economy in the near future.

Dr Manlio Illumi of Promos Italy welcomes the CAPEF representative

Cameroon, contrary to what one might think, is in this sense a very good country for the investments for Italian SMEs also thanks to the partnership agreements made by our Presidency of the Italian Republic with the Republic of Cameroon. The country offers laws for the protection of foreign investments, SME protection and tax exemption for a good 10 years for new productive activities there.


The Italo-Cameroonian association A.E.D.I.C. is an association accredited with the Italian Embassy in Cameroon and has been registered with Cameroon associations and parties for 4 years.

In addition, A.E.D.I.C. is accredited with the Cameroonian Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The association is involved in cooperation between Italy and Cameroon for both the cultural and economic development of the Central African area, and with this in mind, organised a courtesy visit between the two institutions together with A.I.C.E of Milan.

For information and contacts :

Deputy Chairman Roberto de Bortoli

Telephone number: +39 334 348 2408



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