Investing in Cameroon: Finance Minister Louis Paul Motaze made the announcement in a recent press release. We learn in essence that the new computer system called CAMCIS (Cameroon Customs Information System) will be effective in Cameroon from 1 January 2020, successful studies have already been carried out.
The general public and partners of the customs administration are asked to register in the new system, informs Finance Minister Louis Paul Motaze. It is a matter for them to take ownership of the functionalities and innovations, which is why training courses are organised for them every day in the IT division of the Customs Directorate General.
Note that CAMCIS replaces Sydonia ++ ( Automated Customs System). The latter is an application originally designed to solve statistical problems. However, it had shortcomings in terms of handling all customs clearance procedures, according to Cameroon Customs.
CAMCIS, which draws its inspiration from the Korean customs system, therefore proposes to significantly reduce the time needed to perform various procedures, in particular import and export. Securing taxes and customs duties is also the aim of the forthcoming implementation of this new computerised system in Cameroon.