Investing in Cameroon and Ghana - The President of AEDIC Louis Michel Nekam, together with Roberto de Bortoliwith a Swiss Broker of a Multinational company operating in Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire, had an initial cognitive meeting and exchange of information on their respective projects to expand international economic collaborations between Ghana and Cameroon.
Afterwards, the delegation had a working lunch with the president of the Catholic Union Party Dr Erminio Brambillawhich, in accordance with the social doctrine of the church, hosted the delegation.
The meeting discussed the religious situation in Cameroon and other aspects of politics in Africa Centre.
On the afternoon of Tuesday 02 July, the association went to welcome one of the representatives of the Business Woman from Cameroon. Business Women are an association of business women very important in Cameroon close to the First Lady.
One of their associates came to Italy to meet traders and entrepreneurs dealing with Stok of clothing, cosmetics and other products of interest to the local population.
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