Roberto De Bortoli

a large jetliner flying through a blue sky

Why Using the Guarantees Proposed by SACE and SIMEST for Italian SMEs is Important in the Context of Internationalisation and Participation in International Tenders

Introduction to SACE and SIMEST Guarantees Italian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face many challenges when trying to expand into international markets. SACE and SIMEST present themselves as two key entities offering financial instruments and guarantees to facilitate this international growth. In particular, these ...

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Mdbs multilateral development bank mulitlateral development banks

What are MDBs and Business Opportunities for Italian Companies in Africa

Introduction to MDBs Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) are key pillars in the global economic landscape, dedicated to supporting economic and social development in developing countries. These international financial institutions, which include the World Bank, the African Development Bank (AfDB), the ...

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pietro-savorgnan-di-brazza- Italian explorer

Remembering Pietro Savorgnan di Brazzà founder of Brazaville capital of Congo

Pietro was born in the capital of Italy, Rome, in 1852 to Count Ascanio Savorgnan di Brazzà, an exponent of one of the oldest noble families of Friuli and a Venetian patrician with excellent contacts all over the world including Napoleon's France, and his wife Giacinta Simonetti, who belonged to one of ...

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How does the African single market work?

The agreement signed and entered into force on 1 January 2021 and that in fact starts AfCFTA or The African Continental Free Trade Treaty, (in English African Continental Free Trade Agreement, abbreviated AfCFTA is an international treaty regulating the opening of borders and the creation of a free trade area between African member countries.

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A.E.D.I.C. Consulting

Ivory Coast - Abidjan
Cameroon - Yaounde
Italy - Gorizia

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