Working in Africa is becoming the new frontier for both companies (SMEs) and expatriate young (and not so young) people. The African continent is a huge continent, where despite the prevailing stereotypes in several countries such as Italy practically every economic sector is booming, thanks to the opening of the internal market without customs duties, similar to the European market.
Of course, not all that glitters is gold. Working and living in (any country in) Africa is not a piece of cake but it is perfectly possible if you consider certain factors and opportunities in the area you are going to invest or work in.
Today I find myself in complete agreement with both Flavio Briatore and Silvio Berlusconi on their positions with regard to Africa:
"the opportunities for a young person are not in Italy to be a lawyer or an accountant. They are in Asia or Africa where everything is to be realised'
"We will bring a proposal to the European community that will also imply a large Marshall Plan for Africa and other countries to create local economies and for the citizens of these countries to find work in their own territories.
"We will bring a proposal to the European community that will also imply a large Marshall Plan for Africa and other countries to create local economies and for the citizens of these countries to find work in their own territories.
If you are looking for reference websites (English) that aggregate job offers and advertisements specifically for Africa, they are:
Finding work in Africa, specifically for Italians, it is not easy but it is possible, you should search for job offers proposed by Italian companies on site, such as tourist facilities or resorts, delocalised companies that have gone international or, as in most cases, checking all the opportunities proposed by NGOs or aid cooperatives.
In fact, for all those who wish to work abroad for Italian companies, Africa is certainly an excellent choice because, it is not unusual for large or medium-sized companies to look for personnel who wish to commit themselves for a few years working on the African continent and, more often than not, these types of employment are also well paid.
Otherwise, another great classic, as mentioned above, is to enter the African labour market through cooperation associations, voluntary work or NGOs, a sector that still offers many opportunities to work in Africa for both management profiles and many technical roles such as:
- architects
- engineers
- doctors
- midwives
- nurses
- communication specialists
- vets
- agronomists
- surveyors
- teachers
specialised or unskilled workers (e.g. bricklayers or carpenters)
The only downside of these opportunities is that they will certainly not be overpaid, on the contrary, and that - just as often - they are either totally unpaid positions or are activated within volunteer projects for a minimum of 6-12 months in exchange for board and lodging.
What do you wish to do now?
if you would like to get in touch with us to develop your Business in Africa fill in the form see below, one of our consultants will contact you within 24 hours
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