vatican africa

Popes in Africa: Benedict XVI in Cameroon, Angola and Benin

Two of the twenty-four international apostolic journeys were to Africa

During the almost eight years of his pontificate, Benedict XVI made 24 international apostolic journeys, two of them to Africa.

The first time the successor of John Paul II visited the African continent was in 2009From 17 to 23 March, Benedict XVI travelled to Cameroon and Angola. On that occasion, the Pope wanted to link the trip to the Second Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops, which would be celebrated the following October in the Vatican.

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President Paul Biya meets Pope Francis Bergoglio - Visit to the Vatican

Pope Francis on Thursday l 23 March 2017 received Cameroonian President Paul Biya and the two men praised "the mutual respect between the various religious groups" in Cameroon. "Taking note of the peaceful coexistence and mutual respect between the various religious groups," the two men ...

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italiacamerun Aedic association

Cameroon - Yaounde
Italy - Gorizia

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