Cameroon strengthens Italian investments in fisheries project 15 mln euro

15 mln euro fishing investment in cameroon piceno promotion kribi port

Investing in Central Africa - A press conference was held today, attended by the Cameroonian entrepreneur Yves Tchoumkeupresident of Rossoblu Cam, who stated:

"I reside and live in Italy, but I wanted to invest in my country and in a sector that is booming," he explained, who commissioned the plant. "The importance of fishing and the processing of fish products will be one of the drivers of development and with consequent advantages for distribution and especially from a health point of view, initially in Cameroon and the CEMAC countries and later in the European Union.

Rolando Rosetti, president of Piceno Promozione, the special company of the Chamber of Commerce, who presented the project this afternoon in the presence of the partners who contributed to its realisation.

"As an entrepreneur from Piceno, I am proud of the contribution of several companies from our province to the construction of a plant in Cameroon for processing fresh fish and marketing it.

[sociallocker id="2605″]Ascoli Piceno Chamber of Commerce coordinates a 15 million euro project in Kribi (Cameroon) to build a processing plant for fishery products.
The facility, which was presented at a press conference in Ascoli, was built on a turnkey basis for the Rossoblu Cam company.

It will be built in Kribi, known to be the most touristy coastal area in Cameroon and with significant fishing activity, thanks to the government's rehabilitation of the fleet.

The project, with a total value of EUR 15 million, started in 2017 and will be completed in 2020, proceeding in steps.

The initiative, coordinated by Piceno Promozione, was supported by ETC Group of Trevisowhich supports Italian exports abroad and financed the 100% of the project, and International Commitments based in Ascoli Piceno and partner of Piceno Promotion for the countries of the CEMAC (African Union of Central African Countries) area, the Central African Economic and Monetary Community, which has its own central bank.


The choice of Cameroon is in the groove of continuity: Piceno Promozione has long had solid relations with the country, which has been growing steadily since the 1990s and since 2000 has been benefiting from funds from the IMF - International Monetary Fund - and later the World Bank.

'We would like to strengthen the presence of companies from the Marche region in this area'

added Rosetti. About the plant at Kribi, the president of Piceno Promozione explained that

'is based on the know-how of the San Benedetto del Tronto district within a market that has exceptional development potential, even outside Italy'.

"Fish consumption remains high in all European countries, especially for processed products," he added. "Faced with the growing demand, the small size of the companies working in this sector puts them in crisis, not to mention the fact that many processes are increasingly located close to where the catch is harvested. "Our district is an example of this," he added, "whose production and commercial characteristics we are replicating in Cameroon thanks to the intervention of four Piceno companies, each of which has brought its own product.

They are Movinox of San Benedetto del Tronto, which specialises in stainless steel mechanical constructions for the food canning industry, Mancini of Amandola, which designs and supplies refrigeration systems, Eco Sistemi of San Benedetto del Tronto, which designs and builds wastewater treatment plants, and Ime Technology of Ascoli Piceno, electrical plant engineering.[/sociallocker].

A.E.D.I.C. Consulting

Ivory Coast - Abidjan
Cameroon - Yaounde
Italy - Gorizia

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