Why invest in Cameroon?

investing in cameroon gold reserveInvesting in Cameroon - There are several economic and social factors that make Cameroon an excellent entry point for Italian companies like yours in Central Africa. 

We can say that Cameroon is the natural gateway to Central Sub-Saharan Africa.

Stability of Cameroon

The Democratic Republic of Cameroon is one of the most stable countries in central sub-Saharan Africa.

The Cameroonian government has managed to maintain a high level of internal political stability for over 40 yearsThis has enabled the emergence of a private sector and the creation of one of the most diversified economies in the region.

The risk of investment losses is relatively low compared to other neighbouring countries, also thanks to legislation that protects foreign investments in the country. Moreover, the Cameroonian people attach great importance to maintaining social stability as a common good and as a prerequisite for the growth of the country and society.

Regional and international export hub

map of cameroonThe Cameroon is a platform to neighbouring countries, especially those without access to the sea :

  • Chad,
  • Central African Republic,
  • Gabon,
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Congo
  • Brazzaville

Its strategic location offers opportunities to export products to neighbouring states with access to a market of over 300 million potential consumers.

The Economic Partnership Agreement with the EU and programme eligibility AGOA (Africa Growth and Opportunity Act ) opens access to European and American markets for goods produced in Cameroon.

Human Resources

The availability of manpower and well-trained human resources is one of Cameroon's main 'assets'. that thanks to bilingualism (the population speaks French and English), the country is able to offer a big competitive advantage when compared to other sub-Saharan central African countries such as Nigeria etc....

The low cost of local labour makes the country a potential destination for sectors where intensive processing and preparation are also important where companies need more advanced skills.

Access to the sea, maritime transport

Cameroon overlooks the Gulf of Guinea and enjoys privileged access to the sea, representing the gateway to landlocked or infrastructure-less neighbouring countries.

Kribi port Cameroon conteiner terminalChad/Tchad and the Central African Republic are completely dependent on Cameroon for supplies, deliveries and exports of goods. The main hub for these and other countries is the river port of Douala.

The increase over time in the traffic of the three countries that depend on them has led to major congestion problems in the past, which prompted the Cameroonian government to implement the deep-water port of Kribi. 

Monetary stability

Cameroon belongs to the CEMAC, adopting the Franco CFA fixed exchange rate with the Euro as the common currency for Central African countries. This ensures monetary stability and the ability to use a common medium of transaction with the other members of the organisation.

A.E.D.I.C. Consulting

Ivory Coast - Abidjan
Cameroon - Yaounde
Italy - Gorizia

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