Otto Bitjoka (President UCAI - Union of African Communities of Italy): 'The African continent has no competitive advantage in the value chain of globalisation over the Chinese presence in Africa.
Intervention and full video of his valuable interview on La7 - Coffe Break broadcast
In 2018 we recall the birth of the Union of African Communities of Italy in Milan (Ucai). The founder of the Association is entrepreneur Otto Bitjoka which promotes vocational training courses supported by Attilio Fontana, President of the Lombardy Region who told the newspapers :
'I am looking very carefully at this project to which, as the Lombardy Region, I want to make a contribution. We must start tackling the epoch-making phenomenon of immigration seriously and without demagogy. Emigration is devastating for everyone, even for those who integrate. This is why those who want to return to their countries of origin must be helped'.
"We want to return one thousand citizens a year to Africa by offering training courses that give them the skills to work and create development in their countries of origin."