catholic church

pope francesco's visit to africa

His Holiness Pope Francis in AFRICA video of the return conference...

Video conference on the return of His Holiness Pope Francis' trip to Africa.

The Church of Pope Francis starts again in Africa.

In the episode of Sunday 15 September, 9.15 am, Rai Due, Sulla Via di Damasco recounts the journey of Pope Francis to Mozambique, Madagascar and Mauritius, retracing the stages and gestures of a pastoral visit marked by hope, peace and reconciliation. In the company of Eva Crosetta, an expert on "Africa" - as she prefers to call them, in the plural - Comboni missionary and journalist, Fr. Giulio Albanese.

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Cameroon - Elections 7 October and the Anglophone Crisis

The Catholic Church has proposed in an episcopal letter to the "people of God who are in Cameroon, to all Cameroonians", to vote in the next elections, "candidates capable of dealing with the socio-political crisis" that Cameroon is going through. In the same letter from which VOA Africa obtained ...

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A.E.D.I.C. Consulting

Ivory Coast - Abidjan
Cameroon - Yaounde
Italy - Gorizia

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