Cameroon: here is the list of all the candidates who submitted documents to ELECAM for the presidential elections on 7 October 2018.
Opened on Tuesday, 10 July 2018, the registration of candidates to run for the presidential elections to be held in October 2018. the submission of lists closed at midnight last night Friday, 20 July 2018.
At the end of this operation, the Director General of ELECAM, Eric Essousse, gave the headquarters of this body in Yaoundé, a press conference at one o'clock in the morning to take stock of the files received.
He reported 29 registered cases. There are two female candidates and six independent candidates in this register.
Below is the list of contenders for the succession of Paul Biya, the outgoing head of state:
- Mvomo Ondoua Aurel Cedric MCPSD (Cameroonian Movement for Social Democrats)
- Zeh Amvene Geneviève, independent candidate
- Jean Blaise Gwet, MPCC (Patriotic Movement for Change in Cameroon)
- Gabanmidanha Rigobert, independent candidate
- Libii Ling Ngue Cabral Party Universe
- Fomo Ngotta Jean Marie of the RSDC (Democratic Social Renaissance of Cameroon)
- Habiba Issa UPC (Union of the Peoples of Cameroon)
- Ndjoumou Leopold Steves UREC (Union for the Economic Recovery of Cameroon)
- Ndemmano Antoine De Padoue of the RDPF (People's Democratic Rally without Borders)
- Barin Koula Edouard, independent candidate
- Etonde Etonde Jean Patrice, independent candidate
- Choupo Kangaing Herve, independent candidate
- Engono Valentin of UCDI (Cameroon Union for Democracy and Innovation)
- Boboro Kekomo, independent candidate
- Kisop Bertin of the PJSC (Party for Social Justice in Cameroon)
- Biya Paul of the CPDM (Cameroon People's Democratic Rally)
- Kamto Maurice of the MRC (Movement for the Cameroon Renaissance)
- Feuzeu Isaac of MERCI (Movement for Emergency and Citizen Awakening)
- Muna Akere Tabeng of FPD (Popular Front for Development)
- Garga Haman Adji of the ADD (Alliance for Democracy and Development)
- Adamou Ndam Njoya of the UDC (Cameroon Democratic Union)
- Kum Ane Ihims, party of the Biya (bilingual Yaounde political party)
- Chantal Roger DC card (Standing Cameroon)
- Joshua Osih Nambangi of the SDF (Social Democratic Front)
- Bile Olivier Anicet of the Union for Fraternity and Prosperity (UFP)
- Ndifor Afanwi Franklin of MCNC (Cameroon National Citizen Movement)
- Matomba Serge Espoir du PURS (People United for Social Renewal)
- Djapa Charly of the Socialist and Ecologist Party of Cameroon (PSEC)
- Pr Essomba Sosthene of the MCPSD (Cameroon Movement for Social Democracy)
The official list of ratified and validated applications will be published by 08 August 2018 by ELECAM.