President Sergio Mattarella Visits Cameroon - 2017


Below are some excerpts from the interview given to Vita by the former Italian ambassador to Cameroon Samuela Isopi which you can read in full on VITA, if you want at the end of the article you will also find the video of the statements by Italian President Sergio Mattarella

Below is an excerpt to better understand the opportunities that Italian entrepreneurs have both economically and strategically.

Let me remind you that Cameroon is a country in a strategic position, with duty-free access to as many as 40 African countries (point Franco).

Dr. Samuela Isopi he says: During President Mattarella's visit in 2016, his Cameroonian counterpart asked us to strengthen economic cooperation between Italy and Cameroon, which is the condition sine qua non development of the local private sector and the ability to attract new foreign investors. With this mission, we want to facilitate a meeting between the Cameroonian and Italian private sectors and convince our country's entrepreneurs to invest in this country, despite the problems that exist.


Cameroon, like I believe the rest of Africa, needs more trade, more economy, to create jobs for young people and generate income. Development cooperation alone is not enough and should be more oriented towards the development of the economy, through support for private enterprise, capacity building

map-del-camerun-150x150human resources and the transfer of know-how. These are the two things the Cameroonians have been asking for: more enterprise and more quality training on the ground. Not more aid.

Indeed, Cameroon is often criticised for its lack of good governance and widespread corruption. How to convince entrepreneurs to invest in a country with such untapped potential?

The more you promote a system where companies do not just come to sell their technology or goods, but foster clean business through successful partnerships, the better your chances of improving governance in the country.

The experiences of Europe and Asia show us that economic development underpins everything, especially society. In Cameroon, I met very talented entrepreneurs, young and old, who must be supported.

Unlike other African partner countries, Cameroon has a dynamic private sector and a competent entrepreneurial class, which is not limited to large multinationals. We must look to small and medium-sized enterprises, which are then the most valuable ally in fighting unemployment, especially youth unemployment, and enable Cameroon to exploit its enormous potential to promote a transformational industry.President Sergio Mattarella Italy and President Paul Biya Cameroon - 2016 official visit to Cameroon

Italy, with its entrepreneurial history, is an ideal partner that can facilitate this turnaround and inculcate a new business culture. If we discourage Italian and European companies from investing, from doing business, we will never help the country to develop a sound business culture and governance.

Development cooperation alone is not enough and should be more oriented towards fostering the development of the economy, through support for private enterprise, human capacity building and the transfer of know-how.

During his visit, President Mattarella also visited the COE - Educational Guidance Centre of Mbalmayo, which has been promoting local development projects for half a century.

President Mattarella at the COE in Cameroon

The COE is an association founded by Fr Francesco Pedretti in 1959 that has been working in the African country for the development of dialogue and solidarity for almost fifty years. The non-governmental organisation founded in Valsassina - and recognised as such since 1974 - has espoused various projects in the fields ofeducation, health, culture and the environment in several countries around the world including Congo, Bangladesh and Guatemala.

But it is in Cameroon that the presence of the COE has taken on a 'historic' dimension of commitment. Starting from 1970s In fact, the association has established relations with the country's dioceses and sent the first volunteers to set up a social promotion centre in Mbalmayoin the south-west of the country. Since then, the COE has realised schools (nursery, primary but also secondary schools), youth centres and hospitals for a total of 105 projects thanks to the work of professionals, volunteers (including 160 Italians) and local collaborators.

President Sergio Mattarella in his visit did not miss his message of peace and brotherhood watch the Video now

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Ivory Coast - Abidjan
Cameroon - Yaounde
Italy - Gorizia

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