Prof. Roberto De Bortoli, Business consultant, expert in New Global Business and Business Internationalisation.
Graduated in Economics and International Finance in Switzerland, he has had collaborations with consulting firms for business internationalisation all over Eastern Europe and attended the MIB TRIESTE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT
He is Adjunct Professor at the Catholic University 'Sacro Cuore' of Brescia at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature from 2021 where he teaches:
- International Contracts
- Internationalisation of enterprises,
- Informal Economy in Developing Countries
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Management of Local and Global Business (New Global Business)
He is spokesperson for the FSLTA - Forum of traditional rulers and chiefs of Africa
- Appointment >>FSLTA spokesperson<<
He is spokesperson for the CEIDA Community
- Appointment >>CEIDA spokesperson<<
He is vice president of the association A.E.D.I.C
- Appointment >>Legalised by the Italian Embassy<< from Yaounde - Cameroon

He participated in the TenderLab, In gara con noi refresher courses, promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation M.A.E.C.I. with a specific focus on the participation of SMEs in international tenders issued by MDBs Multilateral Development Banks:

He participated in Smart Export refresher courses, promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation M.A.E.C.I. and run by several Italian universities and international business schools with the focus on Industry 4.0. , business intelligence etc.:
Managing change and expansion in Africa without fear of storms, under the umbrella of international cooperation, calmly and professionally
Thanks to important bilateral recognitions and collaborations with institutions, port agencies etc, for your economic breakthrough in Africa, AEDIC offers the opportunity to enter a safe harbour, with tax benefits and tax relief for 10 years, concessions and low cost of highly educated skilled labour in position central in AFRICA.
When you have decided to act, we provide you with all the essential risk management tools throughout the investment lifecycle.

Aedic with its consultants gives you the opportunity to enter Central Africa and take a position where the industrial city of Kribi is being built and also develop your business in other neighbouring countries.
Watch this video to better understand what we are talking about.
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if you would like to get in touch with us to develop your Business in Africa fill in the form see below, one of our consultants will contact you within 24 hours