Two of the twenty-four international apostolic journeys were to Africa
During the almost eight years of his pontificate, Benedict XVI made 24 international apostolic journeys, two of them to Africa.
The first time the successor of John Paul II visited the African continent was in 2009From 17 to 23 March, Benedict XVI travelled to Cameroon and Angola. On that occasion, the Pope wanted to link the trip to the Second Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops, which would be celebrated the following October in the Vatican.
At the stadium in Yaoundè, Benedict XVI praised - while handing the Instrumentuum Laboris to the bishops - to hope.
"Sons and daughters of Africa," the Pope urged, "do not be afraid to believe, to hope and to love, do not be afraid to say that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, that only by him can we be saved. Africa is called to hope through you and in you! With Christ Jesus, who trod the African soil, Africa can become the continent of hope. We are all members of the peoples God gave as descendants to Abraham. Each and every one of us is thought of, wanted and loved by God. Each and every one of us has our part to play in the plan of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit'.
Benedict XVI's second and last trip to Africa has Benin as its destination. The visit takes place from 18 to 20 November 2011. Here the Pope delivers the post-synodal apostolic exhortation 'Africae munus'. continue on->>